
The Western Springs Park District is governed by seven elected residents of Western Springs who volunteer their services to the community. The Park District Board of Commissioners meets once a month to conduct the business of the district. Residents are invited to attend Board meetings and are encouraged to make suggestions/comments to improve Park District Facilities, Safety & Operations.

Board Meeting Courtesy
  • Citizens may address the Park Board of Commissioners on any matter during the Citizens to be Heard portion of the meeting.
  • Please sign-in and complete a request to address the Park Board of Commissioners before the start of the meeting.
  • Addressees who have been recognized by the Park Board President will approach the table using the microphone to enable recording.
  • If the Citizen did not sign in prior to the meeting, the Park Board President will ask at the end of the Citizens to be Heard portion of the meeting if there are any other speakers. Please raise your hand and the Park Board President will recognize you.
  •  Park Board meetings are open to the public and the Citizens to be Heard portion is scheduled for a meeting maximum of 30 minutes with a three-minute limit for each addressee.
  • The Board is not required to respond to Citizen comments during the open meeting.