Western Springs Friends of the Parks Foundation

The Western Springs Friends of the Parks Foundation, a 501 ( c ) (3) corporation, was formed in 1998 for the sole purpose of soliciting, receiving and allocating financial and other resources to fund or enhance capital projects at one or more of the 12 parks in Western Springs. The Foundation operates independently from the Western Springs Park District Board and the normal budgetary processes of the Park District. However, the Foundation Board works closely with the Park Board to help finance capital improvement projects that are consistent with the Park District’s long-range goals and plans. As its first project in the late 90's, the Foundation assisted the Park District in funding a walking and riding path around Spring Rock Park. The Foundation has also assisted in distributing funds raised by neighborhood groups to benefit renovation of several playgrounds over the years.  These Parks include: Laidlaw Park, Veterans Park and Ridgewood Park. The Foundation has also contributed funds for other paths at Spring Rock Park and most recently a new pavilion at Laidlaw Park.

If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution and/or become a member of the Friends of the Parks Foundation Board, please contact Barb Kartzmark, Program Coordinator at the Western Springs Park District at 708-246-4225 Ext. 10 or email bkartzmark@wsprings.com. You may also send in the form below to the Western Springs Friends of the Parks Foundation, 4400 Central Ave, Western Springs, Illinois 60558.

Benefits of Giving to the Friends of the Parks Foundation:

  • Personal Satisfaction
    Enjoy seeing the Western Springs community share the benefits of your contribution. Give back to your community by funding future park projects that may not otherwise be possible. Your monetary contribution will nurture our community spirit, protect and preserve our Park District resources, and promote the health and welfare of our residents.
  • Memorials
    Remember friends and loved ones in a tangible way with a gift that perpetuates a warm memory and respected name.
  • Tax Benefits
    Realize a savings on your taxes. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization, and all contributions are tax deductible.

Ways to Contribute to the Friends of the Parks Foundation:

  • Bequests
    Decide in advance how you want your assets to be shared. You may designate a preferred area of interest, a Park District project or local neighborhood park to be assured your wishes will be fulfilled.
  • Trusts
    Working with your attorney and financial advisor, you may determine that a trust is the most beneficial to both you as a donor and the Foundation.
  • Memorials
    Capital improvement memorials, including a plaque “in memory of” or “in honor of…” are available.
  • Gifts and Donations
    Personal property, land, appreciating securities, and cash contributions in any amount make welcome gifts to the Foundation.

Board of Directors

Chris Dallavo, President
Jennifer Dunleavy, Vice President
Angelo Velliotis, Treasurer
Arda Kutlu, Secretary