About Us
The Park District, a governmental taxing entity, independent of the Village of Western Springs and its Recreation Department. It is governed by a Board of Commissioners responsible for maintaining park facilities and ensuring adequate financing and competent staffing. The Park District has all the powers of any other public corporation within the limits prescribed by statutes and is governed by the Illinois General Assembly enacted Park District Code. The Western Springs Park District was created on December 11, 1923. The first Park Board meeting was held February 6, 1924. In a long legal struggle that ended in 1931 in the Illinois State Supreme Court, the Park Board acquired its first park site through condemnation proceedings. This tract, 12.169 acres, was approximately 30% of what is now Spring Rock Park, the District’s largest park. With resident support, user group donations and grant funding, the Park District has been able to acquire additional properties, maintain facilities and make improvements to our parks, which are an integral part of the overall character of Western Springs. Today the District is more than 90 acres with 13 parks.
Our Mission
The Western Springs Park District provides quality parks and facilities that draw people together for outdoor recreation, fitness and play, and preserves open spaces for present and future generations. Our mission is guided by the values of safety, sustainability, cleanliness, comfort and inclusion.